Registrations now open | Give it a go Sept. 15 | Hoodies now available
Volunteers Wanted!
The Astros are looking for volunteers to help with the following positions for all levels this upcoming season:
Committee Members
Score Keepers
Training will be provided by Baseball New Zealand
Junior & Youth Baseball
The Astros have several age specific programmes. Training and game times vary by team and location. See link below.
Adult Baseball
The Astros Premier teams (including men & women) play Sunday afternoons @Avonhead park against other Canterbury Baseball Association teams.
Avonhead Park
The Astros teams play most of their games at Christchurch's Avonhead park. The diamonds are maintained by the Canterbury Baseball Assocaition.
General Enquiries
Mobile: 027 597 2448
Where to find us
146 Hawthornden Road, Avonhead
Christchurch 8042